I love DCI Barnaby. Not the John Barnaby, the new, slightly too townie, sophisticated,
dog-owner, and DCI with a degree in psychology. No, not this one. But the
former, Tom, husband to Joyce and father to Cully. John votes Tory, Tom votes Labour or
Lib-Dem at the utmost. John is definitely middle-class; Tom comes from the lower
classes - I have always imagined that his father was a thatcher by trade (no
pun intended) and that our Tom began as a PC who gradually went up the step of
the professional and social ladders: Detective sergeant, Detective Inspector
and Chief Detective Inspector of Causton Constabulary. From this long climb, DCI Tom Barnaby has learnt about how to observe and how to deal with people,
from the lower-lower classes to the upper-upper classes. Yes, these do exist:
look at the number of manors and Halls we visit when we accompany him during
his investigations and the eccentrics we meet there... Tom has carved his own
private niche and life in the professional middle-class and Cully is an actress
but not only partnered, married in the bosom of the Church of England. Joyce
belongs to an infinite number of societies and practices all sorts of crafts
and arts: choir, botanic, archeology, library, member of charities, RSPB,
National Trust, painting, theatre, films: you just name. And, of course, Tom is
the least and last informed of all the gossip that goes through Midsomer County,
although he would only have to turn to his wife or his daughter to know who is
who and why, when, how...
County is reputed in the French homes to be the most dangerous place where to
live in England. Its constabulary is exceptional but it needs at least three or
four murders before the DCI and his sergeant find the murderer both by logic
and by a stroke of genius (well, sometimes, the stroke is not there).
Otherwise, this is the dreamland county of the French - and MY dreamland
county, my dream England.
the French find all that seems (for them) all that is quintessentially English
- not British, English:
the idyllic landscape:
the idyllic village:
the pub:
the church:
and its
vicar, choristers (I hope they are choristers), and congregation:
and, of
course, the vicarage:
This is
England as we see her from the Dordogne, as Midsomer County. And this is
England as I first imagined her from my Dordogne when I discovered such writers
as Mrs Thirkell, Barbara Pym, Miss Read, Elizabeth Goudge,
D.E. Stevenson and others - these "neglected middle-class women writers
from the 1890s to the 1960s" as they are called nowadays by newcomers in
what becomes rapidly an expanding field of research in Eng Lit.
"neglected women" were well alive and kicking (sorry, ladies: it is
only an image, I know you were not kicking) on the shelves on our libraries in
the various houses of the families and I read them as a youngster and then as a
not-so-much youngster. They have been with me for a long time, before I
discovered and admired the seminal books of Nicola Beauman, Nicola Humble,
Alison Light, Kate MacDonald, and the new publishers that were slowly
rehabilitating them: Virago Press, Persephone Books, Greyladies books, Sourcebooks, and others,
little by little.
One of
my favourite heroines was and still is Miss Buncle cretad by Dorothy Emily
Stevenson - Miss Buncle whose life expands on three books and very cleverly on
a fourth, even over spilling on a fifth, very indirectly I must say.
She is
the true and full heroine of the two first books, which have been reprinted by
Persephone Books: "Miss Buncle's Book" and "Miss Buncle
Barbara Buncle lives in one of these idyllic, rural, pastoral, villages
described above with trains commuting easily for one day spent in London. She
is a "spinster", not as young as she has been but not yet "on
the shelf". She lives with her faithful Dorcas who has been her nurse, her
maid and now is cook general and housekeeper. We are at the beginning of the
1930s and the Great Depression is beginning to take her toll, heard by the
middle classes. Since then, Miss Buncle has lived from revenue of money
carefully invested but now the bonds are slowly coming to no value and the
revenues are thin. What is there to do? A lady does not work, which means she
has no paid job. She does little in the house: the rough and the less rough
work incumb to the servant(s). What would Dorcas do and where
would she go should Miss Buncle stop to be Miss Buncle-as-she-is?
Buncle finds the solution to this problem in falling back to eternal resource
of the British woman since the XIXth century - after Jane Austen: she will
write a book!
Miss Buncle has no imagination, or so she says. Therefore she will describe
what she knows. The village where she lives, Silverstream, will go under the
thin disguise of Copperfield and will be inhabited by ... its inhabitants, also
thinly disguised under false names. Mister Mason will become Mister Fortnum,
etc. And we meet these people both through the eyes of Mrs D.E. Stevenson and
those of Miss Buncle.
population is almost stereotyped for a French reader of nowadays for we find
almost the same in Agatha Christie's village mysteries: the bachelor major or
colonel retired from the Army (India); the vicar, young, full of zeal and
self-sacrifice, with missionary projects among his own flock; the landlady (or
just a lady) who lets rooms to commercial travellers and
clerks (reminiscences of Leonard Bast from "Howards End" but on a
cheerful tone), the poor widow who does not know consciously that she should
and will remarry, the "nouveaux riches" in the big house who think
themselves the "crème de la crème", pander to more ancient and titled
families of the neighbourhood, and look down their noses upon
the "villagers", the families who follow blindly every fad of the
"nouveaux riches", the doctor, his wife and their children; the young
girl on the brink of being a young lady but still something of a tomboy, the
lady who consciously seeks a husband and a rich one as well as a remedy for her
dwindling revenues, but who likes to be courted by one and all men (heart
breaker or vamp?); and the shopkeepers, the "fish", the maids, the
cooks, the gardeners, the men and women of-all-jobs, and even the grave digger.
This is the population of a typical Midsomer County village, eighty years ago.
Buncle writes what she sees, losing all appetite and sleep, a flurry of paper
sheets around her and ink on her fingers and nose. As a final flourish, the end
of the novel is a fairy tale morality where the Villains are punished and the
Good Ones will live in peace and happiness for ever and ever.
chooses a "nom de plume" as she cannot write under her real name in
the village she describes in her novel and takes the very bland name of
"John Smith". Of course, it will be thought that the author is a man
and will fool readers, but just stop to think a minute of all the women writers
who wrote either as wives (Mrs Gaskell, Mrs Oliphant, Mrs Humphrey Ward) or
under a man's name (the Brontë sisters, George Eliot) or anonymously (Jane
Austen). And this went well into the 1930s and 1940s.
Smith" sends his/her manuscript to an editor who thinks marvels of the
book (as well as his nephew who will become a prominent character in the two
further Miss Buncle books), asks to meet the author and discovers during the following
interview the delicious Barbara Buncle. No, it was no sarcastic or ironic
fiction; it was a straightforward story with a fairy tale end. No tongue in
cheek yarn. But readers in the country will think it is, and here stands a best
seller that, Mr Abbott, the publisher, will not let go.
book is published, makes a hit but ... is read in Silverstream. And it is a
revolution in the peaceful village. There will be no murder as in Midsomer
Parva or Badger's End or in Saint-Mary's Mead. However, the "nouveaux
riches" being unmasked are murderous and will find the culprit at all cost
- even if their drawing-room is to be an improvised court room where the entire
village down to the grave digger is invited. A storm. A tempest. A revolution.
A hunt. Who is John Smith who dared criticise Silverstream
and its inhabitants?
revolution to come as Mr Abbott asks Miss
Buncle to write quickly a sequel to her first novel that sells like hot
"petits pains". And she does. With another fairy tale at the end: her
narrator (herself) is getting married to the publisher (Mr Nun -
instead of Abbott) before the entire village again, reconciled and reunited, to
live happily for ever and ever.
It is
too much for Silverstream. The culprit is found (not the right one); children
are kidnapped; blackmail is afoot; Miss Buncle pleads guilty; lovers elope and
get married and spend their honeymoon in Paris; other lovers break their troth;
others again plight their troth; nobody believes Miss Buncle; it is a whole turmoil
getting faster and faster like a crazy roundabout. And... Miss Buncle is
finally believed.
I shall
tell no more but that Miss Buncle and Dorcas find their way out peacefully with
Miss Buncle married with Mr Abbott, which is no great revelation since the
title of the second book is "Miss Buncle married". Reader, now take
thy book and enjoy!
This is
the awkward review of a book that perhaps most of you have read or heard of. A
book that has been reviewed many times. Why find it here and which links does
it have with la Dordogne?
I belong to the D.E. Stevenson internet reading group and as with other
"specialised in one neglected feminine writer", I enjoy the wit and
the nimbleness of mind of its members. I admire their dedication to the
promotion and revival of the author's books, the lobbying they make with the
publishers, the links they tie with the families, the researches they make, the
ground work, sometimes ungrateful, they undertake for academics, their friendship,
their welcome to new members, their wit, their wish to let you into this happy
world and forget or share your daily burden.
Do you
know about D.E. Stevenson? This is her maiden name, Dorothy Emily Stevenson (1892-1973), whose father was the lighthouse engineer David Alan Stevenson, first cousin to the author Robert Louis Stevenson. She married in 1916 captain Peploe of the 6th Ghurka Rifles, connected to the well-known Scottish colourist Samuel Peploe.
this book belongs to my family library, and I can well imagine my Grand-Mother,
sitting in the garden, in the afternoon around teatime ("le goûter")
and reading this with a smile. The perfect book to relax in her busy days. And
my Grand-Mother had busy days although they were not far from those lived in
this and other fictions - but without flights of fancy: we are in France and
Reason is foremost! My Mother had almost the same and now I mill around likewise
in their foosteps.
is the village with its characters - not the same but there are always and
everywhere social classes, climbers, well-established "county
people", followers, doctors, wives, children, single ladies per choice or
per chance or per bad luck, married couples who function more or less, “prêtres”
full of zeal for their parishioners (and others more lazy), cleaning ladies,
self-styled gardeners, men of all jobs, shopkeepers, and even grave diggers
(though not so "pittoresques").
times have changed as well. And the French society has never been structured
like the English and British one. The division in "classes" is not
exactly the same and never been. The number of lady authors seems to be less
extensive. The climate is different and so is the idyllic village in its idyllic
landscape. The Church is different and the activities linked with it are
slightly different.
I am
interested, fascinated, by these two countries so close and so different, by
these two cultures so close and so different, by these two people and these nations
so close and nevertheless that have evolved so differently.
I shall
come back to this matter often. I regret deeply that the field of "neglected
middle-class women writers from the 1890s to the 1960s" has not been
similarly open in France but I make my own research and would be glad to be
pioneer in the French field. I regret that the British "neglected
middle-class women writers from the 1890s to the 1960s" have not been more
translated in French and that no great enthusiasm was shown when I offered to
create a mixed reading group with the British ex-pats and the French residents
in the village.
But I rejoice that there are
reprints of this fiction in the USA as well as in the UK. They part of their
history of literature and although very often conservative and patriarchal is a
testimony of something that lived only by and through women.
would be called in French a "matrimoine" in lieu of a
"patrimoine": something that belonged and was transmitted by women. A
testimony of their lives and the way they saw or were bound to see society.
One may
be enthralled while others will be shocked.
My only
point, as far as gender studies are concerned, is that it is always fruitful to
start by knowing the story and the history of ideas and ways of life.
Literature does not escape from this scope.
this is only MY point of view. And for the time being, I feel happy and
comfortable in Midsomer County with Miss Buncle as one of its resident. God
keep her from meeting DCI Tom Barnaby but at the church fête when she will be
introduced to him by his wife Joyce!